With this present to the audience, but also to themselves, the four trombonists of Trombone Attraction fulfill wish that has been on all wish lists for a very long time. But now the time has finally come: A Christmas program, neatly tied as a package, well filled with hand-picked and beautiful music, including Advent-Christmas hits! Not in the sense of the boring socks that are felt every Christmas under the tree, but thoroughly dusted off and freshly interpreted. In addition to well-known Christmas classics, but well suited to them, there are other things to discover and explore - best with the curiosity and joy of a child whose wish to the Christ Child has finally been fulfilled. You're welcome! All the best! Merry Christmas!
This CD shows exactly what Trombone Attraction is characterized by: the perfect mixture of heartfelt love for music and excessive joy in playing and creating.
Bettina Barnay-Walser
music journalist & radio moderator
in the magazine KULTUR about the CD FINALLY! THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM.
Trombone Attraction - that's a trombone quartet for self-realisation. Now, finally, it's Christmas time. "Finally! The Christmas Album."! Rudolph with the red nose grooves in the snow, on the other hand, Trombone Attraction is festive with a sonata by Giovanni Gabrieli. When listening to it, the typical scenario appears in front of the inner eye: the trombone group in front of the church. Except that with Trombone Attraction every note sounds as clean as a bell. Even the ringing of bells can be heard on the Christmas album - in the well-known "Still still still, weil's Kindlein schlafen will". The tender Christmas carol remains tender, even in brass. A delight. Usual Christmas jiggery-pokery? Let art come first! Art that comes from skill. Musicians and listeners alike have fun here.
Ulrike Jährling
music journalist & radio moderator
With their new release "Finally! The Christmas Album", the Austrian trombone quartet Trombone Attraction is releasing its fourth album. Their Christmas CD features a colourful mixture of well-known German and American Christmas pieces. In addition to traditional songs such as "Maria durch den Dorn-wald ging" or "Leise rieselt der Schnee", the quartet finds the right groove with "Rudolph, the rednosed Reindeer" or the opening piece "Feliz Navidad". All the pieces are characterised by varied arrangements and a number of surprising twists and turns. Even if singing along is not always possible due to the chosen tempi, the listener can be sure of discovering something new in the following verses. Changing solos, changing styles, harmonic alternations - all this makes this CD a successful mixture of artistic composition and entertaining music. The four musicians are particularly characterised by their consistently homogeneous sound and uniform articulations. The sound of the bass trombone of Christian Poitinger, bass trombonist of the Vienna Volksoper Orchestra, always provides the right foundation on which the solo passages of the other musicians can unfold freely. With perfect intonation, the three tenor trombones of Stefan Obmann, Martin Riener and Raphael Stieger always sound light and vocal and offer an excellent example of perfect legato. The piece "Christmas Recycling Song", in which well-known Christmas melodies are combined in a humorous way, provides a surprise. Every time the listener feels musically secure, the arrangement surprisingly changes direction to a new piece. The familiar follows the unfamiliar, the upbeat follows the swinging, the slow follows the fast, there are many well-designed transitions. The only non-Christmas piece on the CD is a sonata by the composer Giovanni Gabrieli. Although it has a modern sound, the piece fits in effortlessly with its transparent polyphony. The musical highlight of the production is undoubtedly the following "God bless the Child" by American jazz singer Billie Holiday. Emotional glissandi in the first rather sombre section provide the right blues feeling before the piece really picks up speed and ends in radiant sounds in a major key. With these 14 tracks, the Trombone Attraction quartet has succeeded in creating an album that creatively dusts off traditional Christmas melodies and skilfully dresses them in a new guise. This CD is the perfect gift for Christmas - to give and receive! Suitable for trombonists, brass players and everyone else.
International Trombone Association

01 Feliz Navidad (J. Feliciano) | 02 Weihnachten ist hier (Ch. Radovan) | 03 Maria durch ein Dornwald ging (Traditional) | 04 Leise rieselt der Schnee (E. Ebel) | 05 Es wird scho gleich dumpa (Traditional) | 06 White Christmas (I. Berlin) | 07 Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer (J. Marks) | 08 Stern über Bethlehem (A. H. Zoller) | 09 Christmas Recycling Song (Various) | 10The Christmas Song (R. Wells, M. Tormé) | 11 Sonata (G. Gabrieli) | 12 God Bless the Child (B. Holiday) | 13Still, still, still (Traditional) | 14 Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht (F. X. Gruber)
Label: Preiser Records (www.preiserrecords.at)
Record Engineering: Roland Baumann Sen. (www.tsb.at)
Photos: Klaus Leherbauer
Design: Dominik Vsetecka (www.dominikvsetecka.com)
Production Manager: Stefan Obmann (www.TromboneAttraction.com/so)
Recording Location: Filialkirche zum heiligen Sebastian in Wallmersdorf.