For over fifteen years, the Austrian trombone quartet has inspired Trombone Attraction his audience with top-class music and a convincing stage show. In the current program Ode an die Frechheit the musicians give insights behind the scenes of an ensemble and show how versatile and varied music played by four trombones can be. The audience's perspective on the entire concert is changed - one believes one is not at an event at all, but rather present at a rehearsal. The musicians seem to feel unobserved, but sometimes this fourth wall is broken in a humorous way...
At the same time, the result is a „Ode an die Frechheit“. To that impudence which is a kind of spiritual independence. To that impudence that boldly questions norms. To that impudence that provocatively makes people think. To that impudence that doubts what is socially established. To that impudence that curiously challenges the familiar.
Fotos: Dirk Obracay