With this present to the audience, but also to themselves, the four trombonists of Trombone Attraction fulfill wish that has been on all wish lists for a very long time. But now the time has finally come: A Christmas program, neatly tied as a package, well filled with hand-picked and beautiful music, including Advent-Christmas hits! Not in the sense of the boring socks that are felt every Christmas under the tree, but thoroughly dusted off and freshly interpreted. In addition to well-known Christmas classics, but well suited to them, there are other things to discover and explore - best with the curiosity and joy of a child whose wish to the Christ Child has finally been fulfilled. You're welcome! All the best! Merry Christmas!
Stefan Obmann, Christian Poitinger, Martin Riener (in the video: Florian Senft instead of Martin Riener), Raphael Stieger